Monday, September 25, 2006

The Night Shift

When you ask people in the Northeast about fall, they wax poetically about the leaves changing colors, and enjoying the last days of good weather. What they fail to mention is that fall means it gets cold--ice freakin' cold. One day this week I was minding my own business, working on my deck when out of nowhere a chilled, almost refrigerated, breeze blew across my neck and caused me to shiver. Inside my house, the thermostat has been falling. On Friday, just before I left town, it was 62 degrees inside! I'm going to have to finally turn on the heat when I get back.


I left town early Saturday morning and met up with "The Phoenix". We watched "Jackass 2", which was very appropriate considering we had quite a Jackass in our department on Friday night. And yes, the movie was horribly disgusting and those guys set a terrible example, but there's something about watching people strap themselves to rockets that cracks me up.


On Friday, everything was well under control until about 11 pm when we reopened to trauma transports. Suddenly, we were hit with a 5-patient accident. At the same time, this guy decided to cause quite a commotion in the lobby. Apparently, rather than smoking his crack at home first like most of our patients, he decided to bring it with him to the hospital. After freebasing in our lobby restroom, this one-legged dude came charging out of the bathroom and started beating up on random people. I was in with another patient when suddenly a stretcher surrounded by about 8 people came barreling down the hallway, bouncing off walls and equipment like a pinball game.

My patient and his wife started remarking about how exciting life is here in the big city, that they never get to see this kind of action at their sleepy, local hospital. I suppose it was quite entertaining for people sitting back and observing all of our spectacles, but it made for quite a long night.


I did a tiny bit of hiking around with "The Phoenix" this weekend and we attempted rock jumping on Sunday afternoon, but the water was so cold we only did one jump. I'll post some pictures when I return.


Tonight I'm at the PU's house and we're going to head up north for the rest of my time here. In the meantime, I'm enjoying sleeping in and reading some stuff that has NOTHING to do with medicine!


Anonymous said...

Say hello to the sunshine for me:)

I think you just watched Jackass so that you could say the word in some other reference, since you forgot the psalm (or proverb?) it was in.

Interview was good. I think I will be hired. She was talking like I would be, but then maybe that's what they do for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Say hello to the sunshine for me:)

I think you just watched Jackass so that you could say the word in some other reference, since you forgot the psalm (or proverb?) it was in.

Interview was good. I think I will be hired. She was talking like I would be, but then maybe that's what they do for everyone.