I don't really have any deep thoughts about the past year, or any spectacular ideas for 2008. Right now, I'm just scratching my head and wondering exactly where the heck 2007 went. I suppose that in a few years, when I think about 2007 there will be a few rough days that stand out in my head. That's partly what I like about having this blog... the ability to look back and remember what I was doing and feeling at the time. I guess the highlights were hiking the Grand Canyon, scuba diving, renewing an old friendship and starting a new relationship.
2007 Reading List (Somehow, I seem to be reading less every year.)
Old Testament: Jeremiah - Malachi
It took well over three years, but I finally finished reading the Bible (I started with the New Testament) sometime during the spring.
Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2 - Steve Stockman
I don't really remember much about this one.
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil - Phillip Zimbardo
I picked this one up after seeing an interview on television with the author. This guy ran the famous Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971. In it, he compares the breakdown of social conscience between the college students placed in guard roles in his experiment with that of American soldiers towards detainees in Abu Ghraib.
Traveling Mercies, Some Thoughts on Faith - Anne Lamott
"Bird By Bird" by this author is one of my favorites. A large part of the focus of this book is her experiences of raising her son by herself.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards
This novel was given to me by a co-worker after she finished it. It held my attention, and I plowed through it pretty fast.
Crocodile on the River Banks - Elizabeth Peters
I haven't read anything by this author before, and this quick historical piece of fiction was written in the 1970s and features a stubborn, independent, and educated English woman who gets herself into all sorts of trouble-- I can't imagine why my mother would have passed it on to me!
Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather
Ru gave me this one just before I moved here, and I read in on my way back to Arizona for the holiday. It kind of made me homesick for the desert heat.
2006 list
2005 list