Friday, December 22, 2006


The hospital census has been extremely low this week. Last week we were overflowing with patients, with many checking in for quick tune-ups. Now, with Christmas and New Year's Day approaching, people are impatient and insistent upon leaving. Many more are foregoing their own health and staying at home, ignoring signs and symptoms in order to be with their loved ones. And then there is a small subset of lonely types who want to be hospitalized so that they will have some sort of human contact over the holidays. It's strange-- one would think that heart attacks and pneumonias would come on random days, but then when emotions and human will are factored in, the patterns all get out of whack. I imagine next Tuesday will be crazy.


Chris said...

Cumin, Pepper, Thyme, Rosemary, and Salt say "Hello"!

(Seasons' Greetings)

I've missed reading your blog but will be back shortly:)

PS....I fell and my femur snapped, sticking out of my leg the other day. Gangreen seems to be setting in, but I'm holding out until after Christmas to go to the hospital! Is that bad?
My Blog

Anonymous said...

^are those the names of his kids or his pets?

I've been thinking about this customer that came in the other day. He asked, as many do, what our holiday hours were. Were we open on Christmas? I said, no. He looked so disappointed that I knew immediately he was alone for Christmas. I asked if his family lived far away and he said yes. I felt so bad for him. If I were celebrating Christmas at my house with other people, I would have invited him.

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